PISE 2023


2023 marked a PISE milestone: our innovative approach yielded a stunning 85% project success rate, leaving a lasting legacy of mentee-driven change across all regions of Vietnam.

Our Success Metrics


followers on our Official  Facebook Page, marking our strong Online Presence within Vietnam's youth Social Media sphere


members within PISE Community, the majority of whom were previous Mentees or Ops Team Members


of Mentee projects go live and sustain their impact, transforming communities across Vietnam.

1 in 3

of 2023 Mentees shared that they find clarity and direction in personal development thanks to the PISE 

Our Mentee Projects

The following comprises of 11 strong up-and-running Mentee Projects across Vietnam


DÁM promotes awareness of and aims to prevent school bullying in Vietnam through social media campaigns and the bullying intervention program.


LIVES nurtures happiness for children in orphanages through volunteerism, education, and essential life skills development.

My Wings

MY WINGS aims to reduce school violence by raising awareness and fostering communities equipped to take action against it. pen_spark

Green Wave

Green Wave empowers Long Khánh youth to protect the environment through waste segregation and education.

Tía Tô

Tía Tô empowers Dak Lak high school students with holistic health and wellness knowledge.

Bó Đũa

Bó Đũa fosters strong youth  leadership and cohesion in Thanh Hóa's extracurricular activities.

Rạng Trăng

Rạng Trăng offers Da Nang students a nurturing space for self-exploration, and guidance on cultivating relationships that allow them to express their individuality.

Chạm Nét

Chạm Nét connects Hanoi's youth with the rich heritage of Quất Động embroidery.

Gánh Rạng Đông

Gánh Rạng Đông Illuminates the hidden beauty of Dak Lak's indigenous crafts for the youth.


Hiên bridges the literacy gap and fostering a love for reading among children in remote Dak Lak communities.

396 Hz

"396Hz" bridges the generation gap through enhanced communication between parents and teens at Hồng Lĩnh High School in Hà Tĩnh.

Our 2023 Mentors

To be Update

Our Impact Evaluation Report

Learn more about our impacts after 5 years (2018 - 2022) and our 2023 Governance Structure